For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

One day remains before the festivities of the next four weeks begin. All that stuff that's collected on my mantle the past few months take place starting next week. (I'm so glad I took that picture. Reminds me I need to get the Spring painting and pictures up there.) Tomorrow my mom arrives for the wedding, my youngest son goes to prom, two baseball games before that, and I must get my shower cleaned. My mother would probably appreciate clean sheets on her bed. I promised myself I'd get the bookcases in the living room dusted.
(In other news, middle son has landed a job after college graduation in May. Working on a deer ranch. Will only have 5 days to get home from Flagstaff and begin new job in Texas. So glad he will now live within a couple hours, however, with 128 fawns ready for his care come mid-May, probably won't see him until September. Most proud of that boy.)
I must say other than a brief meltdown Tuesday night and a butterfly stomach on Wednesday, I have weathered the planning for a wedding, two graduations, college visits and choices, high school senioritis, and an Eagle Scout Court of Honor - I think. Remaining on my list of things to do is checking in with the rehearsal dinner crew and putting together a small book of information for the honeymoon trip.
My husband and I looked at each other a couple days ago and said, "We need a vacation."
Too bad we can't afford one. Damn kids.
But, my meltdown - not quite sure what that was. I had to pick up my dress on Wednesday morning. Took myself off the teacher list for the day. The wedding will take place in the country, on a ranch. Outdoor for the ceremony and a restored, rustically elegant barn for the reception. However, it is located in a remote area and I decided to spend the morning finding the best route there for our families staying at the lake. One where when driving home at midnight, they might not get lost on country roads. Looked very easy on the map, but after driving for hours through the hill country, winding this way and that, dipping down to cross one lane creeks beds already flowing with water over the road, I decided sticking to the main highways might be best.
I arrived at the
lakehouse to find trailers and trucks parked in my driveway. The new neighbors are extending their dock. The workers decided my gravel driveway was the best place to park. Wrong day to make that decision. Women running away from home to settle their minds and find a little peace do not fare well when a trailer loaded with pipe found in their parking spot. Not to mention the noise of the generator and the pounding of pipe driven into a granite bed. So loud I had to shout at the guy to get their vehicles out of my driveway and park where they worked - not at the neighbors. To be honest, the shouting didn't bother me. And I wasn't a complete bitch. I smiled while I said it.
But the noise. Incredible. I found some ear plugs I keep in the bunk room, in case a snorer bothers the other sleepers, and poured myself a vodka tonic. Went into the small bedroom where the noise traveled the least and pulled out my library book. Read for four hours. Didn't get any work done other than a few plants potted and I moved the swifter around the floors a bit when I'd get up to get a refill.

I took this after the workers left for the day. Tell me they will be done by the time we have 20 people in and out at our place next week.

I did venture also to take a photo of the ducks. The males are enduring a lack of female companionship as the mother duck sits in a pot at the end of the dock, nurturing 8 eggs.
The point of this story? I felt much better when I drove home to work on Thursday. And, with all the activity of next week, my blog life is going to go one of two ways. Either you won't hear from me for a while or I'll be on here every day, seeking solace.
Everyone take good care while I enjoy my company, these most blessed events, and welcome a daughter in my life. As much as I love all my men, having female
camaraderie, other than my cat, makes me most happy.

azaleas have chosen to bloom just in time. This time next week - full bloom.