I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
Frank Sinatra
When I was a kid, Westerns dominated the television screen. Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Wagon Train, The Big Valley, Maverick, Bonanza and many more. Always had an allure to them even though I'm not sure what it was, other than the adventure. One scene I recall in all those shows was someone riding on a horse and noticing buzzards circling the sky. A sure sign something, or someone, had met their demise.
Last Saturday night, my husband and I attended a party. For some reason, one of those wild moods prevailed and we let go -- full force. We partied. Like in the old days. When we were young.
We ain't young, no more.
Didn't feel so good on Sunday. My friend, who also attended the party, texted me to say she missed us at the 11am church service. I texted her back, and lied. Said we had gone to the 8am service.
Arising late, my husband and I loaded up on Advil and ventured outside to work in our yard. Not only is the normal Spring cleanup and planting taking place, a time crunch has arrived for all the company headed our direction for the upcoming wedding and graduations. We gathered twenty-eight yard bags of live oak leaves and trimmings. I raked and pulled the dead plants that didn't survive the winter's harsh cold. Also, dug up and transplanted some Knock Out roses.
When I put the finishing shovel of dirt around the last rose, I felt an urge to lie down. I did. Right there in the yard. On my back, eyes closed. Felt the sun on my face and wished I'd taken some Alka Seltzer for my stomach. After a brief respite, I opened my eyes to view the sky. There, circling high up, but directly above me, was a buzzard. I stared in horror. Right out of an old Western.
Rightous retribution? Penance for my misbehavior? When I moved my arm, that old buzzard realized I was still alive and he flew on, circling for some other fresh kill to alert his friends to.
I took some Alka Seltzer. Got that party thing out of my system. Back to reality -- and my lists. How's this for a blog post filled with substance?