Ever seen Man vs Food on the Travel channel? Big guy Adam travels the country taking on food challenges - 4 pound steaks in Amarillo, eight breakfast tacos in Austin, 15 dozen oysters in New Orleans. Watching someone pack their guts may not be your cup of tea, but alas, in my house of men, we watch faithfully. True to the act of stuffing one's face, my husband, brother and myself found ourselves on a pleasant patio at Jack-n-Grill on Federal Blvd in Denver the other morning. Number three son, Ian, the baseball player, wanted to take on Jack's seven pound breakfast burrito. No time limit - well, maybe sometime that day.
Before placing the sled of food in front of him, he had instructions to go to the bathroom right then and there, or forever hold his guts. He abstained from the bathroom visit and before him arrived the signature dish. And a dish to behold it was.

The battle face left no hint that this was chump change in the pursuit of the mere poloroid picture left on the wall for eternity. The picture that would provide the notoriety for this accomplishment so important in life not to mention terminal free food at Jack's. So it began, spoon in hand. (Check out the lady behind him.)

A few more bites, and then, surrender with a smile. We package that baby up and five of us eat it for breakfast the next morning. A gallant try, my Ian. You didn't even spill on your shirt or yak out the car window on the ride through the windy roads in the mountains. Good sport. Although you were quite quiet during the long ride - and you did have your window down. Anyway.